
Art Brings People Together

by Lynn Wohland

When a group comes together, it’s a beautiful thing. 

I had the joy of leading an Art Club for some of our boys at Timothy Hill, The Ranch at Riverhead.  Back in December 2017, we were awarded an educational grant, supplied by BNB bank in partnership with Yankee player, Tyler Austin.  It was called, “Make your Pitch for Education,” and we “pitched” providing an art club for hands-on experience that would enrich their book knowledge and further the art education for our boys in the group home.Then some boys

The weekly club included a brief lesson about one of the 7 Elements of Art, followed by a few possible art experiences to choose from which explored the highlighted Element and brought it to life.  In our 5th week, we came to the element of “texture” and from the different options offered, all of the boys chose to use modeling clay which is smooth, brightly colored and fun to manipulate.  They talked and joked as they created.  Then some boys began to share with the others what they were making and from there the idea to bring the creations together spontaneously developed.  It was exciting to watch as they figured out ways their clay pieces could interact and relate to one another in a group scene.Scene

I realized that while they were definitely learning more about art and exercising their creative muscles, they were also having a very positive group experience.  These boys do spend a lot of time together in general, engaged in a lot of different activities.  But it seemed to me that the art provided a vehicle for expression of their relationships and a new way to connect to one another.  Developing positive peer relationships within a positive context is always a goal for our young people at The Ranch, and I wanted to share this endearing success with you.   

To support transformation through love and more programs like the art club at Timothy Hill, make a donation here. To directly support the Learning Center and the education of our young people, make a donation here.