
Reasons to Go Hiking

by Briann Newman

As the summer comes to a close and we spend our last days swimming in the lake, we are looking forward to hiking the Berkshires in the cooler weather here at the Retreat at Norwich Lake. There are many hiking trails both on campus at the Retreat and nearby just a few short drives away. Here are three reasons why you should go hiking on during your stay at the Retreat.


1. Fall Foliage

Fall FoliageWith the cooler weather comes the colorful fall wonderland here in New England. By October, all the trees will be filled with reds, oranges and yellows, making exploring the hiking trails of the Berkshires even more breathtaking than usual. Bring your family or youth group to stay at the Retreat at Norwich Lake and enjoy the beauty of fall. Make sure to bring your camera because the trees will provide a gorgeous backdrop for a group photo.


2. Unplug and Get Back to Nature

Unplug and Get Back to NatureHiking is also a great way to unplug from the digital world and the busyness of life. Keep your phone at the bottom of your backpack and connect with your family and nature. Bring notebooks for the kids and have them record all of the plants and animals that they see on the hike. They can sketch pictures or describe their favorite finds. This is a great way to spend a weekend this fall. Not only is the entire family getting a break from the screens, your kids will be able to learn about nature by experiencing it.


3. Exercise

Even when you’re on vacation, you still have to get in your exercise. Make it a little more exciting by hiking through the Berkshires. There are many trails you can visit near the Retreat at Norwich Lake great for a long walk. A walk is the perfect way to get in some exercise during your trip and the beautiful fall foliage will make it much more enjoyable. With all of the trails, you can take a different route each day of your trip. Get in your daily exercise while also enjoying the nature of New England.


Whatever your reason for going on a hikeWhatever your reason for going on a hike, we hope you choose to bring your family or group to the Retreat at Norwich Lake for a fun weekend hiking and getting to spend time together. Book your next getaway or retreat here.